The Provincial Treasury is responsible to ensure that financial resources allocated to North West Province are employed effectively and efficiently to the benefit of the people of the province.
There is indeed, a scope for us to facilitate the improvement of financial management both at provincial and local government levels. Improved financial management includes quality spending of our scarce resources by government departments. We plan to strengthen the resource control unit in the Provincial Treasury to ensure that we monitor spending throughout government departments and municipalities.
We believe that attaining quality audit opinion by all departments, public entities and municipalities is feasible, and will promote our credibility as a department and government regarding implementation of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), the department will continue in the roll out capacity-building programmes.
The department strives that all municipalities in the Province manage their financial affairs prudently because the challenges of service delivery are huge, and require all available resources to be employed effectively towards service delivery.
The department is highly convinced that prudent financial management and the application of internal control measures will, to a large extent, close all opportunities for fraud and corruption affording us therefore, the opportunity to direct all our resources towards improving quality of life of our people.
To attain all our objectives, the department is determined to ensure that all departments, public entities and municipalities comply with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Municipal Finance, Management Act (MFMA).
The mandate of the department, which is derived from the legislative framework, is that of the provincial resource controller in the province. This means that the department is the custodian of public resources and therefore has the responsibility of managing such resources in accordance with the prescribed legislation.Our Legislative Mandate
We will be the ultimate financial management authority and adviser on fiscal matters to the North West Provincial and Local Administration in pursuit of transparency, good financial management and accountability to all our stakeholders.Vision
To provide leadership in the management of public resources for efficient, effective and economic service delivery through well-coordinated support to Provincial departments, Public Entities and MunicipalitiesMission
The following values, which are derived from the constitution, underpin activities of the Department of FinanceValues
- Fairness
- Equity
- Accessibility
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Participation
- Professionalism