Provincial Treasury to continue strengthening support to municipalities

Provincial Treasury will continue to render and strengthen support to ailing municipalities.MEC Rosho stated this when presenting Provincial Treasury’s budget amounting to R531.7 million for the 2022/23 financial year.“The Provincial Treasury devotes this financial year to continue providing its unwavering support to departments, public entities and municipalities to accelerate the provision of quality basic services to the people. The responsibility to deliver basic services to communities falls squarely on all government institutions,” she stated.MEC Rosho said in line with Section 154 of the Constitution which directs national and provincial government to support and strengthen the capacity of municipalities to manage their own affairs, the Provincial Treasury would…
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North West MEC for Finance to table Provincial Treasury’s budget

17 May 2022 Media Alert The MEC for Finance, Ms Motlalepula Rosho, will in compliance with the legislative prescripts, table the Provincial Treasury’s Budget for the 2022/23 Financial Year. According to 2022/23 Provincial Budget presented on 08th March 2022, Provincial Treasury received R532 million in 2022/23 financial year. This allocation will facilitate the initiatives related to improving audit outcomes of departments and public entities, improve budget spending across the province, intensify technical support to delegated municipalities on the preparation of budgets and monitoring implementation in line with section 154 of the constitution, as well as compliance with the annual reporting framework. MEC Rosho is expected to outline…
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Finance MEC to announce and launch the 30-Day Payment Awareness Campaign

25 January 2022Media AlertThe MEC for Finance, Ms Motlalepula Rosho, will in compliance with the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) Section 38(1)(f) (Act No. 1 of 1999), launch the 30-Day Payment Awareness Campaign, as an intervention to fast-track payments of outstanding supplier invoices by provincial departments and their entities. The PFMA requires the accounting officer for a department to settle all contractual obligations and pay all money owing, including intergovernmental claims, within the prescribed or agreed period.“Departments and their entities are not fully compliant to the prescribed 30 days-payment and this is adversely impacting on the sustainability of the suppliers’ businesses, hence the need for this campaign”…
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